MATIC Under The Lens: Why Is Polygon Busy But Not Making Money?

MATIC Under The Lens: Why Is Polygon Busy But Not Making Money?
Polygon (MATIC), a Layer-2 scaling solution for the Ethereum blockchain, finds itself in a curious position. Recent data from Messari paints a picture of a network brimming with activity – daily active addresses surging nearly 120%, new user sign-ups exploding by 70%, and daily transactions reaching a staggering 4 million. Yet, beneath this bustling surface lies a troubling undercurrent: a 19% drop in quarterly revenue compared to the previous quarter, and a hefty 40% decline year-over-year. Related Reading: Ethereum Bloodbath: Over $55 Million In Longs Liquidated As Price Plummets Polygon: A Network On Fire Polygon’s user base is clearly smitten. The first quarter of 2024 witnessed a land rush, with new addresses flocking to the network at an unprecedented rate. This surge in user adoption translated into a transaction frenzy, with daily interactions on the platform quadrupling. The decentralized finance (DeFi) sector on Polygon also thrived, with the total value locked (TVL) in DeFi projects climbing 30% compared to the previous quarter. The non-fungible token (NFT) ecosystem on Polygon also got a shot in the arm, with sales volume rising by nearly 20%. The Reve ..

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