Meeco integrates Zk-proof DID wallet and token tooling on Hedera for ESG markets

Meeco, a provider of data privacy and digital identity solutions, today announced the launch of its Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) Decentralised Identifier (DID) and token visualization tooling on Hedera, the decentralized proof-of-stake public network, with the HBAR Foundation’s support.

As an open-source interface that will support greater transparency to Hedera-based sustainability projects, Meeco is delivering an easy way for people to manage, visualize, and share trusted information associated with tokens and decentralized identifiers.

Aptly named Trustury, the tooling will be used with ‘the Guardian,’ an open-source system that digitizes methodologies that measure, report, and verify attributes of a given project down to metric tonne.

Guardian enables Hedera-based tokens to maintain a linked relationship to the roles, actors, and data create ..

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