Metasploit goes to Hacker Summer Camp
Next week, Metasploit will have demos at both Black Hat and DEF CON where the latest functionality from this year will be presented. The Black Hat demo will be on Thursday the 8th from 10:10 to 11:25 and the DEF CON demo will be on Saturday the 10th from 12:00 to 13:45.
The highlights will include demonstrations of:
Exploiting unconstrained delegation entirely in Metasploit with the new post/windows/manage/kerberos_tickets module and Pass-the-Ticket support for auxiliary/gather/windows_secrets_dump. Next with secrets in hand, we’ll demonstrate forging tickets using the new diamond and sapphire techniques.
Using the new LDAP, SMB and MSSQL session types for both interactive exploration and post modules.
Configuring the latest DNS options for advanced pivoting scenarios.
New module content (2)
OpenMediaVault rpc.php Authenticated Cron Remote Code Execution
Authors: Brandon Perry and h00die-gr3y
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #19298 ..
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