Are You Looking for ACTION?
Our very own adfoster-r7 has added a new feature that adds module actions, targets, and aliases to the search feature in Metasploit Framework. As we continue to add modules with diverse goals or targets, we’ve found ourselves leaning on these flags more and more recently, and this change will help users better locate the modules that let them do what they want.
Right now, the feature is behind a feature flag as we work out how to make it as user-friendly as possible. If you would like to use it, turn on the feature by running features set hierarchical_search_table true. Please let us know how it works for you!
New module content (2)
ownCloud Phpinfo Reader
Authors: Christian Fischer, Ron Bowes, creacitysec, h00die, and random-robbie
Type: Auxiliary
Pull request: #18591 contributed by h00die
Path: gather/owncloud_phpinfo_reader
Description: This adds an auxiliary module for CVE-2023-49103 which can extract sensitive environment variables from ownCloud targets including ownCloud, DB, Redis, SMTP, and S3 credentials.
Docker cgroups Container Escape
Authors: Kevin Wang, T1erno, Yiqi Sun, and h00die
Type: Exploit
Pull request: #18578 contributed by h00die
Path: linux/local/docker_cgroup_escape
Description: This adds a new module to exploit CVE-2022-0492, a docker escape for root on the host OS.
Enhancements and features (5)
#17667 from metasploit