Microsoft reveals hackers viewed its source code

Microsoft reveals hackers viewed its source code

Microsoft confirmed that viewing source code doesn’t elevate the risk.

While Microsoft is busy investigating the massive SolarWinds cyberattack campaign in which dozens of US government and private institutions were attacked, the company made another startling revelation that has given a whole new twist to the entire SolarWinds fiasco.

Microsoft Source Code Exposed

Microsoft’s Security Response Center team has identified that its systems were infiltrated beyond the malicious SolarWinds code. In its latest update regarding the SolarWinds’ investigation, Microsoft revealed that hackers had viewed its source code “in a number of source code repositories.”

However, the hacked account used to access the source code didn’t offer permission to modify the code or systems.

The Harmless Intrusion

According to a blog post published by Microsoft’s research team, hackers did manage to delve deeper into its systems, but the intrusion hasn’t caused any additional harm. It seems like Microsoft is playing down the risk associated with this further intrusion.

The company further stated that its software development relies on the inner source, which is a practice that involves code sharing within the company. Since it doesn’t rely on keeping the program code a secret and utilizes other defensive mechanisms to prevent attacks, the incident didn’t cause any harm to its systems’ security.

No Customer Data Accessed

Microsoft has confirmed that there’s no evidence that the hacker managed to access customer data or used its systems to target other systems. Th ..

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