Miscreants started scanning for Exchange Hafnium vulns five minutes after Microsoft told world about zero-days

Miscreants started scanning for Exchange Hafnium vulns five minutes after Microsoft told world about zero-days

Attackers began scanning for vulnerabilities just five minutes after Microsoft announced there were four zero-days in Exchange Server, according to Palo Alto Networks.

Malicious people seeking to exploit flaws in general were doing so within a quarter of an hour of details being released, the company's Cortex Xpanse research team said today.

Although research director Rob Rachwald did not elaborate when The Register asked for more detail on its findings, a released report reckoned "scans began within 15 minutes after Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVE) announcements were released between January and March."

"Computing has become so inexpensive that a would-be attacker need only spend about $10 to rent cloud computing power to do an imprecise scan of the entire internet for vulnerable systems," said Palo Alto's latest attack surface threat report. Such technology can be used for good as well as bad; search engines such ..

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