MITRE ATT&CK APT 29 evaluation proves Microsoft Threat Protection provides deeper end to end view of advanced threats

MITRE ATT&CK APT 29 evaluation proves Microsoft Threat Protection provides deeper end to end view of advanced threats

As attackers use more advanced techniques, it’s even more important that defenders have visibility not just into each of the domains in their environment, but also across them to piece together coordinated, targeted, and advanced attacks. This level of visibility will allow us to get ahead of attackers and close the gaps through which they enter. To illustrate that imperative, the 2019 MITRE ATT&CK evaluation centered on an advanced nation-state threat actor known to the industry as Advanced Persistent Threat (APT) 29 (also known as Cozy Bear) which largely overlaps with the activity group that Microsoft calls YTTRIUM. . The test involved a simulation of 58 attacker techniques in 10 kill chain categories.

Microsoft participated in the second MITRE ATT&CK endpoint detection product evaluation published today. The evaluation is designed to test security products based on the ATT&CK (Adversarial Tactics, Techniques & Common Knowledge) framework, which is highly regarded in the security industry as one of the most comprehensive catalog of attacker techniques and tactics. Threat hunters use this framework to look for specific techniques that attackers often use to penetrate defenses. Testing that incorporates a comprehensive view of an environment’s ability to monitor and detect malicious activity with the existing tools that defenders have deployed across an organization is critical.

Although this test was focused on endpoint detection and response, MITRE ran the simulated APT29 attack from end to end and across multiple attack domains, meaning defenders benefited from visibility beyond just endpoint protection. This gave Microsoft the unique opportunity to bring Microsoft Threat Protection (MTP) to the test.

Microsoft Threat Protection expa ..

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