#MIWIC2024 One To Watch: Jasmine Eskenzi, Founder and CEO of The Zensory

Organised by Eskenzi PR in media partnership with the IT Security Guru, the Most Inspiring Women in Cyber Awards aim to shed light on the remarkable women in our industry. The following is a feature on one of 2024’s Ones to Watch winners selected by an esteemed panel of judges. Presented in a Q&A format, the nominee’s answers are written in their own words with minor edits made by the editor for readability and where relevant, supplemented with additional commentary by their nominator.

In 2024, the awards were sponsored by BTThink Cybersecurity Ltd. and Plexal, with Eskenzi PR, Assured and Women in Cybersecurity UK & Ireland Affiliate as partners.

What does your role entail?

My role includes quite a varied range of things – it’s all about setting the company’s vision, crafting strategies, and steering the us towards our long-term goals, which include creating a more mindful, careful and secure workforce! I also handle relationships with investors, customers, and the media, while also ensuring everything runs smoothly and efficiently. Financial oversight is key too, managing our budgets and performance metrics as well as solving any problems as they come in and making sure the company stays compliant and on track. It’s a role that blends vision, leadership, and hands-on management.

What made you consider a career in cybersecurity? How did you end up in your current role?

I actually fell into cybersecurity accidentally. With The Zensory, our mission has always been abo ..

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