Mozilla Firefox Loses 16 Million More Active Monthly Users Between August 15 2022-2023

Mozilla Firefox Loses 16 Million More Active Monthly Users Between August 15 2022-2023
Gemini version available ♊︎

Posted in Free/Libre Software at 8:19 pm by Guest Editorial Team

Reprinted with permission from Ryan Farmer

According to the latest Firefox Public Data Report statistics, Mozilla has lost about 16 million more Active Monthly Users between August 15th 2022 and August 14th 2023.

192,840,300 minus 176,821,100 equals 16,019,200 less users in a single 12 month period.

On January 28, 2019, Mozilla had 253,877,800 Active Monthly Firefox Users, so if you subtract 176,821,100, they’ve lost 77,056,700.

Yes, over 77 million users lost in 4 years and 7 months. If you average out the loss over this period, then they’ve lost about 1.4 million Firefox users per month, give or take a couple thousand. Per day, that means that over 46,300 people slam Firefox shut and never open it again.

Where do they go?

Well, from the screenshot it may look like I used Firefox to take that picture, but I actually snapped them using LibreWolf on openSUSE Leap 15.5 KDE.

LibreWolf is a fork of Firefox that doesn’t spy on you and is set to privacy-preserving settings from the Tor Uplift Project and to default to not persisting your history or cookies between sessions and to never k ..

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