Nascent Science and Technology Committee Broadens Call For Input On Efforts

Nascent Science and Technology Committee Broadens Call For Input On Efforts

A recently-launched National Science and Technology Council joint committee tasked with advancing the integrity and viability of America’s research landscape wants the public to weigh in on how it can do exactly that. 

According to a request for information set to be published Tuesday in the Federal Register, NSTC’s Joint Committee on Research Environments, or JCORE, is looking to gain insight on how public, private and academic entities can work together to “maximize the quality and effectiveness of the American research environment” across four crucial fields for action. 

“JCORE is working to address key areas that impact the U.S. research enterprise, enabling a culture supportive of the values and ethical norms critical to world-leading science and technology,” officials wrote in the document. “This includes the need to improve safety and inclusivity, integrity, and security of research settings while balancing accountability and productivity.”

Established in May to resolve some of the most daunting challenges across the nation’s science and technology research community, the committee went on to hold a White House summit in early November that brought together more than 150 representatives from industry, academia and senior officials from the State, Defense, Energy and Agriculture departments, National Security Agency, National Science Foundation, National Institute of Standards and Technology, and other agencies to inform its work. 

Not every research stakeholder could attend the summit, so the JCORE team put forward the RFI questions “very purposefully” to e ..

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