NCSC Updates Guidance to Tackle Smart Camera Hijacking

NCSC Updates Guidance to Tackle Smart Camera Hijacking

The UK’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) has been forced to issue new guidance on how smart home users can protect their connected cameras from being hijacked.

The public-facing GCHQ body warned that live feeds from such cameras, and smart baby monitors, could be monitored remotely when devices are shipped with easy-to-guess or crack factory default passwords.

This has led to numerous cases in the past of terrified parents and home users finding out they’ve unwittingly made their families less secure by installing such equipment.

The new advice from NCSC urges users to change any default passwords to a unique, strong credential, to keep device firmware regularly updated and to disable the feature that allows them to view camera footage remotely if not needed.

The guidance also suggests users should disable UPnP and port forwarding on their home routers to further reduce the attack surface.

The password flaw is essentially how Mirai hackers managed to hijack hundreds of thousands of connected endpoints and conscript them into botnets over the past few years, launching some of the largest DDoS attacks ever seen.

Seeking to tackle some of these concerns, the UK government is planning to introduce a landmark new consumer law designed to prohibit the sale of IoT products that fail to meet minimum security standards.

updates guidance tackle smart camera hijacking