New banking trojan “CarnavalHeist” targets Brazil with overlay attacks

Since February 2024, Cisco Talos has been observing an active campaign targeting Brazilian users with a new banking trojan called “CarnavalHeist.” Many of the observed tactics, techniques and procedures (TTPs) are common among other banking trojans coming out of Brazil. This family has also been referenced as AllaSenha in a recent report. Talos attributes with high confidence the development and operation of CarnavalHeist to Brazilian actors who could be identified because of some operational mistakes made during the domain registration process for their payload-hosting sites. The current campaign uses financial-related themes in spam emails, Delphi-based DLLs, overlay attack methods, and usual input capture techniques, such as keylogging and screen capture. There are also names of traditional Brazilian banks hardcoded in the malware.  Unique to CarnavalHeist, however, is the dynamic use of a Python-based loader as part of the DLL injection process and the specific targeting of banking desktop applications to enable tracking of other Brazilian financial institutions. 

CarnavalHeist has Brazilian origins 

Talos assesses with high confidence that the CarnavalHeist malware is of Brazilian origin and primarily targets Brazilian users based on our observations of the Portuguese language being used throughout all aspects of the infection chain and the malware itself, including the use of Brazilian slang to describe some bank names, and a notable lack of other language variants thus far. The command and control (C2) infrastructure exclusively uses the BrazilSouth availability zone on Microsoft Azure to control infected machines, and they specifically target prominent Brazilian financial institutions.  

We further assess that the current wave of activity has been ongoing since the beginning of February based on the volume and timeline of observable C2 domain activity, although we have observed related samples an ..

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