New Report by U.K. NCSC Highlights the Impact of Diversity on the Cybersecurity Workforce

New Report by U.K. NCSC Highlights the Impact of Diversity on the Cybersecurity Workforce

Cybersecurity is one of many industries lacking diverse perspectives and backgrounds, which are essential for combating the ever-evolving threat landscape. (ISC)² estimates that the Cybersecurity Workforce Gap as of 2021 stands at 2.72 million professionals globally, but women make up roughly 25% of the cybersecurity industry, compared to at least 40% of the global workforce. This imbalance and lack of diversity in the sector was highlighted in the recent report In Their Own Words: Women and People of Color Detail Experiences Working in Cybersecurity.

This disparity is also recognized by the U.K.’s National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), which recently released its 2021 NCSC Diversity Report. Showing that although the U.K. cybersecurity industry is making strides to close the diversity gap, there is a long way to go.

“There are some areas to be proud of: in terms of who we are, more than a quarter of respondents identify as having a disability. But we are still evidently a very male profession, with disproportionately male senior leadership,” said Lindy Cameron, CEO of the NCSC.

There are countless benefits to increasing diversity in the cybersecurity industry. Arguably the most imperative to addressing the current threat landscape is the positive impact that different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives can bring to bear on an organization’s ability to fight cybercrime.

While many organizations, at least in theory, understand that highly diverse teams can directly contribute to greater success and prosperity — meaningful progress to ..

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