New SugarGh0st RAT targets Uzbekistan government and South Korea

Cisco Talos recently discovered a malicious campaign that likely started as early as August 2023, delivering a new remote access trojan (RAT) we dubbed “SugarGh0st.” We found evidence suggesting the threat actor is targeting the Uzbekistan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and users in South Korea. We assess with high confidence that the SugarGh0st RAT is a new customized variant of Gh0st RAT, an infamous trojan that’s been active for more than a decade, with customized commands to facilitate the remote administration tasks as directed by the C2 and modified communication protocol based on the similarity of the command structure and the strings used in the code.We observed two infection chains leveraging Windows Shortcut embedded with malicious JavaScript to deliver the components to drop and launch the SugarGh0st payload.In one infection chain, the actor leverages the DynamixWrapperX tool to enable Windows API function calls in malicious JavaScript for running the shellcode.Talos assesses with low confidence that a Chinese-speaking threat actor is operating this campaign based on the artifacts we found in the attack samples.

Suspected Chinese Actor targeting Uzbekistan and South Korea

Talos discovered four samples deployed in this campaign that are likely targeting users in Uzbekistan and South Korea based on the language of the decoy documents, the lure content, and distribution indicators Talos found in the wild. 

One of the samples is sent to users in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uzbekistan. The sample is an archive embedded with a Windows ShortCut LNK file which, upon opening, drops the decoy document “Investment project details.docx'' with Uzbek content about a presidential decree in Uzbekistan focused on enhancing state administration in technical regulation. The lure content of the decoy document was published in multiple Uzbekistan sources in 2021. The initial ..

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