NIST Funds Climate Measurements Center of Excellence at the University of Vermont

NIST Funds Climate Measurements Center of Excellence at the University of Vermont

White Oak River, North Carolina: Wetlands like these are useful for preventing floods, reducing erosion, and preserving biodiversity. But every wetland is unique, and it is important to understand the impacts of climate on a local level.

Credit: Norm Lane/Shutterstock

GAITHERSBURG, Md. — The U.S. Department of Commerce’s National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has entered into a cooperative agreement with the University of Vermont (UVM) to establish a Climate Measurements Center of Excellence. The agreement includes an award of $2.7 million appropriated by Congress for this purpose and was made following a competitive process announced earlier this year.

“Our goal is to advance trust in measurements and technology in service to the nation. Effective measurements are key to understanding the dynamics of complex climate systems, and this center of excellence can amplify our impact and enable the development of equitable climate adaptation plans,” said Chuck Romine, the associate director for laboratory programs at NIST. 

Climate impacts are felt differently from one region of the U.S. to another, and for communities to develop adaptation plans, they need more granular information than is currently available. The Climate Measurements Center of Excellence will support communities by providing standards frameworks, regional data, and the tools communities need to make decisions.

Climate impacts at the community level are expected to be diverse, complex and interrelated. Examples of possible impacts include diminished agricultural productivity, poor air quality, increased food costs, supply chain and commercial logistics disruptions, and public health issues. Preparing for and mitigating these impacts could be challenging for any one community alone. Therefore, the center will bring local climate researchers together to share resources and ideas and will serve as a ..

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