The United States Secret Service, a federal law enforcement agency tasked with protecting – mainly the president – the country’s top officials and financial infrastructure, has recently made headlines for its interest in cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. During a recent Reddit ask-me-anything (AMA), representatives for the agency revealed that it not only owns crypto but also has its own NFT collection. Moreover, the agency has praised blockchain technology’s potential to fight financial crime, indicating a growing awareness and adoption of these technologies in law enforcement. Related Reading: Why Litecoin Is The Most Undervalued Asset in Crypto Secret Service Praises Blockchain’s Transparency In Fighting Financial Crime During the AMA session, the San Francisco Field Office of the United States Secret Service and the Bay Area Regional Enforcement Allied Computer Team (REACT) addressed various questions from the public. Although not all the queries were answered, the law enforcement agencies did respond to some of them. Despite the skepticism of many regulators regarding cryptocurrency as a tool commonly exploited by scammers and fraudsters, the REACT task force has recogniz ..
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