NSA Grants Boost University’s Cyber Academy

NSA Grants Boost University’s Cyber Academy

The University of North Georgia (UNG) has been able to grow its cybersecurity training program after receiving funding from the National Security Agency (NSA). 

UNG, which has campuses in Blue Ridge, Cumming, Dahlonega, Gainesville, and Oconee, was awarded two grants totaling $265,000 by the NSA.

The university will use the money to provide free cybersecurity instruction through two different avenues: the GenCyber Warrior Academy and the Advancing GenCyber Education for North Georgia Teachers (AGENTs) of Change camp.

Both training programs are in-person learning opportunities that take place in the Pennington Military Leadership Center on UNG’s Dahlonega Campus.

The first initiative provides cybersecurity instruction to high school students, while the second delivers cybersecurity training to teachers working in middle schools or high schools. 

Next summer, in its sixth year of operation, the annual GenCyber Warrior Academy will host 40 high school students from June 5–11. AGENTs of Change, which will run for the second time from June 27–July 1, will give 24 teachers more than 30 hours of cyber and computer science professional development.

For the first time in 2022, UNG faculty and staff will provide additional monthly pre-academy instruction sessions that will start in January, and post-camp guidance that will extend into October. 

This increase in tuition and learning materials was made possible through the record-breaking grants from the NSA.

“The new year-round format gives us an opportunity to share more content and background to get everybody up to the same level,” said Dr. Bryson Payne, professor of compute ..

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