One Year In, Administration Names First Lead Office In New Shared Services Regime

One Year In, Administration Names First Lead Office In New Shared Services Regime

One year to the day from when the administration created the new governmentwide shared services policy, the Homeland Security Department designated the first lead agency to manage one of the four focus areas.

Monday, the department and the Office of Management and Budget announced DHS’s cybersecurity arm, the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, or CISA, will take the lead in development of a cybersecurity marketplace of tools, commercial products and best practices for adoption across the federal sector.

“This is an important step in the path to modernization of the federal government,” Federal Chief Information Officer Suzette Kent said in a statement. “By designating CISA as [the Quality Service Management Office] for cyber services, the federal government will be able to leverage their expertise, contracts and solutions to offer a robust marketplace of cybersecurity capabilities that will benefit all agencies.”

As the lead agency, CISA will create resources for agencies around cybersecurity services, focusing on standards for security operations centers and vulnerability management programs, as well as domain name system, or DNS, resolver services.

“We plan to leverage successes and lessons learned from programs like Continuous Diagnostics and Mitigation and the National Cybersecurity Protection System to deliver high-quality, cost-effective shared services to federal agencies,” said Bryan Ware, CISA assistant director for cybersecurity. “In partnership with OMB and our partner QSMOs, we stand ready to create efficiencies in government and optimize the federal workforce by shifting resources to higher value work and reducing duplication across agencies.”

The QSMO policy—announced April 26, 2019—included four focus areas to start. Along with cybersecurity, the policy called out human services with the General Services Administration taking the lead, finan ..

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