Oracle Pledges to Keep JEDI Fight Alive In Court of Appeals

Oracle Pledges to Keep JEDI Fight Alive In Court of Appeals

As watchers await word from the Pentagon on who will win the multibillion contract to manage the Defense Department’s war cloud, Oracle said it will continue its battle with an appeal.

Oracle first protested the solicitation for the Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure, or JEDI, contract in August 2018, just two weeks after the final solicitation was released. The Government Accountability Office denied the protest in November, prompting Oracle to file a suit in the U.S. Court of Federal Claims in December.

The court ruled in favor of the Defense Department in a decision released July 12, stating that Oracle did not have standing to protest the solicitation, as it could not meet base requirements of the solicitation when bids were due. But the company still believes the single-award approach is unlawful and plans to challenge the court’s ruling on standing.

"The Court of Federal Claims opinion in the JEDI bid protest describes the JEDI procurement as unlawful, notwithstanding dismissal of the protest solely on the legal technicality of Oracle’s purported lack of standing. Federal procurement laws specifically bar single award procurements such as JEDI absent satisfying specific, mandatory requirements, and the court in its opinion clearly found DoD did not satisfy these requirements,” Dorian Daley, Oracle Corporation general counsel, told Nextgov in a statement. “As a threshold matter, we believe that the determination of no standing is wrong as a matter of law, and the very analysis in the opinion compels a determination that the procurement was unlawful on several grounds.”

Oracle was one of four ..

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