Organizations are advancing their efforts, investing in OT cybersecurity programs

Organizations are advancing their efforts, investing in OT cybersecurity programs

ICS cybersecurity threats remain high and present evolving challenges, a new SANS report reveals.

However, since the last SANS OT/ICS report released in 2017, a growing majority of organizations have significantly matured their security postures over the last two years and are adopting strategies that address OT/IT convergence.

“The findings in this latest SANS report make it clear that 2019 is the year for ICS cybersecurity,” said Nozomi Networks CEO Edgard Capdevielle.

“We see the urgency and growing demand every day as more and more industrial companies around the world reach out to us for help in aggressively arming themselves against cyber threats rising in number, persistence and strength. ICS cybersecurity is a priority and organizations are strengthening their cybersecurity posture with innovative OT security technologies that provide deep visibility and control across OT and IT.”

ICS cybersecurity risk remains high

Half of this year’s respondents rate their ICS security threat as high or severe. While down significantly from 2017, it is still a daunting number that reinforces the fact that even as organizations make OT cybersecurity a priority, cyber attacks and data breaches continue to rise and are evolving as OT and IT converge and organizations adopt mobile and wireless capabilities.

  • 50% of respondents rank ICS security threats high or severe/critical – down from 69% in 2017.

  • 62% identify people (internal and external) as the greatest risk for compromise.

  • 61% of all incidents had a disruptive effect on OT activities.

  • Unprotected devices, nation-states/hactivisits and internal accidents rank as the top three threats, followed by IT integration and external (supply chain or partner) threats.

  • Less than 25% of ..

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