Organizations want increased government support to defend against nation-state cyberattacks

Organizations want increased government support to defend against nation-state cyberattacks

(Source – Shutterstock)

  • 86% of respondents believe they have been targeted by a cyberattack conducted by a group acting on behalf of a nation-state

  • Only 27% of respondents said they have complete confidence in the ability of their organization to differentiate between nation-state cyberattacks and other cyberattacks

  • 9-in-10 respondents think the government should do more to support organizations and protect critical infrastructure against state-sponsored cyberattacks

  • There has been a growing increase on nation-state cyberattacks around the world. While organizations have adequate cybersecurity, many feel that when it comes to nation-state cyberattacks,  the should rely on the government to help them defend against these sophisticated attacks. The reality is though, in most countries, government agencies normally monitor these threats and send out advisories to organizations to be vigilant about the threats.

    For example, the US has the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) while in Southeast Asia, each nation has its own agency that overlooks cybersecurity as well. These include the Cybersecurity Authority of Singapore, Cyber Security Malaysia, and other bodies.

    According to a report by Trellix and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), nation-state actors differ from other cybercriminals. The report found Russia and China among the most likely suspects of being behind successful state-sponsored cyberattacks resulting in data loss, service disruption, and industrial espionage, which led to significant costs to the organizations attacked.

    The report, In the Crosshairs: Organizations and Nation-State Cyber Threats, surveyed 800 IT decisions makers in Australia, France, Germany, India, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the United States, from a variety of industries. It also highlighted that the volume and severity of nat ..

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