Palantir Manual Shows How Law Enforcement Tracks Families

Palantir Manual Shows How Law Enforcement Tracks Families

On Zoom conference calls across the US this week, brows furrowed as the news broke that the video conference company had a flaw in its backend that could give hackers access to people’s webcams. Worse, Zoom seemed at first unwilling to fix the problem. Thankfully, hours after the initial reports, Zoom backtracked and issued a new fix to solve underlying vulnerability. You can go back to Zooming your brilliant brainstorms in peace, everyone.

According to a new report this week, a Magecart hacking group has been breaking into misconfigured Amazon Web Services buckets, scanning the contents of 17,000 domains, and stealing any goodies—like credit card numbers used on some ecommerce sites.

In other Amazon news, are you ready for Amazon Prime Day on Monday? Phishing scammers sure are. In fact, in the last few weeks scammers have pushed a whole phishing toolkit targeting Amazon customers. Beware.

Also this week, we explained how to keep your kids’ data safe online, and took a closer look at the scourge of credential dumping. We also reported that the window the rein in the risks of facial recognition is closing, so something needs to be done fast. Oh, and we brought you the story of teens taking to TikTok to make f ..

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