Patch Tuesday - June 2024

Patch Tuesday - June 2024

It’s June 2024 Patch Tuesday. Microsoft is addressing 51 vulnerabilities today, and has evidence of public disclosure for just a single one of those. At time of writing, none of the vulnerabilities published today are listed on CISA KEV, although this is always subject to change. Microsoft is patching a single critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability today. Seven browser vulnerabilities were published separately this month, and are not included in the total.

MSMQ: critical RCE

The sole critical RCE patched today is CVE-2024-30080 for all current versions of Windows. Exploitation requires that an attacker send a specially crafted malicious packet to an MSMQ server, which Patch Tuesday watchers will know as a perennial source of vulnerabilities. As usual, Microsoft points out that the Windows message queuing service is not enabled by default; as usual, Rapid7 notes that a number of applications – including Microsoft Exchange – quietly introduce MSMQ as part of their own installation routine. As is typical of MSMQ RCE vulnerabilities, CVE-2024-30080 receives a high CVSSv3 base score due to the network attack vector, low attack complexity, and lack of required privileges. Code execution is presumably in a SYSTEM context, although the advisory does not specify.

Office: malicious file RCEs

Microsoft Office receives patches for a pair of RCE-via-malicious-file vulnerabilities. CVE-2024-30101 is a vulnerability in Outlook; although the Preview Pane is a vector, the user must subsequently perform unspecified specific actions to trigger the vulnerability and the at ..

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