Patch Tuesday - May 2024

Patch Tuesday - May 2024

Microsoft is addressing 61 vulnerabilities this May 2024 Patch Tuesday. Microsoft has evidence of in-the-wild exploitation and/or public disclosure for three of the vulnerabilities published today. At time of writing, two of the vulnerabilities patched today are listed on CISA KEV. Microsoft is also patching a single critical remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability today. Six browser vulnerabilities were published separately this month, and are not included in the total.

Windows DWM: zero-day EoP

The first of today’s zero-day vulnerabilities is CVE-2024-30051, an elevation of privilege (EoP) vulnerability in the Windows Desktop Windows Manager (DWM) Core Library which is listed on the CISA KEV list. Successful exploitation grants SYSTEM privileges. First introduced as part of Windows Vista, DWM is responsible for drawing everything on the display of a Windows system.

Reporters Securelist have linked exploitation of CVE-2024-30051 with deployment of QakBot malware, and the vulnerability while investigating a partial proof-of-concept contained within an unusual file originally submitted to VirusTotal by an unknown party. Securelist further notes that the exploitation method for CVE-2024-30051 is identical to a previous DWM zero-day vulnerability CVE-2023-36033, which Microsoft patched back in November 2023.

Courtesy of Microsoft’s recent enhancement of their security advisories to include Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) data, the mechanism of exploitation is listed as CVE-122: Heap-based Buffer Overflow, which is just the sort of defect which recent US federal gove ..

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