PenTales: What It’s Like on the Red Team

PenTales: What It’s Like on the Red Team

At Rapid7 we love a good pen test story. So often they show the cleverness, skill, resilience, and dedication to our customer’s security that can only come from actively trying to break it! In this series, we’re sharing some of our favorite tales from the pen test desk and hopefully highlight some ways you can improve your own organization’s security.

Performing a Red Team exercise at Rapid7 is a rollercoaster of emotions. The first week starts off with excitement and optimism, as you have a whole new client environment to dig into. All assets and employees are in-scope, no punches held. From a hacker mentality, it's truly exciting to be unleashed with unlimited possibilities bouncing around in your head of how you’ll breach the perimeter, set persistence, laterally move, and access the company “crown jewels.”

Then the first week comes to a close and you’ve realized this company has locked down their assets, and short of developing and deploying a 0-day, you’re going to have to turn to other methods of entry such as social engineering. Excitement dies down but optimism remains, until that first phish is immediately burned. Then the second falls flat. Desperation to "win" kicks in and you find yourself working through the night, trying to find one seemingly non-existent issue in their network, all in the name of just getting that first foothold.

One of our recent Red Teams followed this emotional roller-coaster to a ‘T’. We were tasked with compromising a software development company with the end goal of obtaining access to their code repositories and cloud infrastructure. We had four weeks, two Rapid7 pen test consultants and a lot of Red Bull to hack all the things at our disposal. We spent the first two ..

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