Perimeter 81 ensures zero trust access to web applications without an agent

Perimeter 81, the leading Zero Trust Secure Network as a Service provider, announced that it has officially unveiled its new cornerstone solution: Zero Trust Application Access.

The service is designed to meet the demands of today’s ever-expanding modern network and ensure fully secured, isolated and agentless access to an organization’s critical web applications, secure shell (SSH), remote desktop (RDP), virtual network computing (VNC) and Telnet in an emulated, streamlined and seamless way, regardless of where employees connect.

Zero Trust Application Access employs multiple layers of user trust and device trust policy validation to authorize employees before granting them swift access to applications in a session that is fully audited and can be recorded and monitored.

The solution secures the network, employees, and applications using Zero Trust guidelines, and isolates the applications from the network at all times.

“The corporate network we see today is increasingly user-centric rather than site-centric, and with the proliferation of software services like web applications, IT security professionals are dealing with a rapidly increasing attack surface,” said Amit Bereket, Perimeter 81 co-founder and CEO.

“Our Zero Trust Application Access solution simplifies the security measures required by these numerous and widely distributed web services with a unified, multi-tenant and holistic platform that provides full visibility, high availability and precise access control based on user and device trust.”

Perimeter 81’s Zero Trust Secure Application Access complements its Zero Trust Network Access solution, which ensures simple, segmented and secure access to any cloud environment or LAN, including all ports and all protocols, through a secure network layer and single-click, cross-platform applications.

With Zero Trust Secure Application Access and Zero Trust Network Access, Perimeter 81 is now among the firs ..

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