Pizza prankster's prisoner plea plot perturbs police, Norks invading and Uber woes

Pizza prankster's prisoner plea plot perturbs police, Norks invading and Uber woes

Plus, a Windows NTSF flaw, Fortnite hacking, and much, much more

Security roundup Here are a handful of security happenings in the past week that are worth noting - aside from what The Reg has already covered.

Microsoft extends Windows 7 support*

With everyone up in arms about the potential for hackers to influence the upcoming 2020 US presidential elections, Microsoft is offering to help local governments secure their older voting machines that are based on the obsolete Windows 7 platform.

This will allow admins to download and install all security updates for Windows 7 ahead of the elections to close up potential entry points for hackers wishing to tamper with vote totals.

*But only for ..

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