Prevent Ransomware with New Capabilities from Anomali

In these uncertain times, ransomware attacks are only increasing, and Anomali is highly focused on helping CIOs and CISOs of enterprise businesses across the Globe along with our federal government and other government agencies. This is an infinite Journey against the bad guys, and we must all work together with all hands-on deck.

Today, organizations employ defense in depth strategies to stop attacks. And while siloed security control points are effective at stopping most attacks before infection, the challenge is to stop ransomware attacks that typically evade protection. With The Anomali Platform, your XDR solution, you correlate globally identified ransomware attacks with your security telemetry (including public clouds), to discover the threats that are not detected by others. This enables you to proactively detect and respond, and ultimately reduce the risk of falling victim to ransomware attacks.

Here is how we can help you and the ecosystem:

Global Situational Awareness. Even before you are hit, a CISO must have the global situational awareness needed to understand the prevalence of these threats in the wild and the impact of these threat actors on your business, industry, and geography. The Anomali Platform attack trending dashboards provides security professionals the vital information you need to assess the threat of an impending attack.
Stop The Initial Access. With a precision detection solution like The Anomali Platform, you can detect any malware. In the case of ransomware, this includes the ability to identify the first spear phishing access attempt by correlating messaging security telemetry together with all globally identified malicious links. Additionally, with an integrated sandbox capability, you can automate the inspection of suspicious emails through safe detonation and identification of attack indicators. Once identified, The Anomali Platform provides an analyst with the ability to review an attack and ..

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