Proactive defence in the cloud security challenge

The acceleration of digital business initiatives has created a surge in the shift to cloud-based services but cyber security has not kept pace. This tipping point was amplified through the peak pandemic times with the reactive need for creating secure access and connectivity without boundaries. However, as businesses have been migrating to cloud, not every deployment has been pain-free. Along with the organisational change and skills shortages they have experienced, threat actors have been taking advantage of this moment in time to disrupt. Many of the ransomware breaches that we have seen recently have been due to the cloud attack surface expanding so quickly, without the necessary controls in place. As we have seen in recent high-profile breach events,  many legacy security teams have been struggling to keep up with the more sophisticated advanced threats that we see. Infrastructure sprawl now spans so many different cloud and edge locations, and so many different enclaves that each can have its own disparate requirements and security needs and demand for integration. According to the 2022 Fortinet Networking and Cybersecurity Adoption Index, remote working remains a key vulnerability for organisations. While IT decision-makers are chiefly concerned with the threat of cybercrime, malicious employee action, operational technology and core to the edge, destructive ransomware, competitor espionage, unwitting employee action and state-based actors. As we look forward to 2023, what can we address to minimise some of the potential inhibitors and roadblocks to security and agility in the cloud?

The War on Talent 

A significant block to ensuring that security and development teams are delivering applications to keep up with incoming threat vectors is the lack of competencies required to cope. Many businesses have been dealing with a long-standing skills gap in security, which is now compounded by the fact that we are now enduring an ..

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