Proactive Visibility Is Foundational to Strong Cybersecurity

Proactive Visibility Is Foundational to Strong Cybersecurity

Authored by Guest IDC Blogger: Michelle Abraham

Exposures are more than CVEs, so organizations need to move beyond the traditional thinking of vulnerability management to a holistic view. Part of that view must be greater visibility into devices, users, applications, and all the digital infrastructure connected to an organization’s environment. Gaps in that view create risk exposure. Organizations must proactively identify anything that presents a risk to determine whether to act.

Solutions that improve visibility discover assets, aggregate all asset data in one place, and enrich that data to understand the relationships between users, assets, and applications. These cybersecurity asset management systems connect to other security tools in the IT environment to gather their telemetry on what they see and the communications they have. The data from these connections can overlap and be duplicative, so the system needs to deduplicate the data to render it useful for security.

Attack surface management (ASM) adds to the visibility by showing an external view of the digital estate, allowing security teams to see the view attackers have from outside their environment. Attack surfaces have expanded rapidly and often involve a hybrid multicloud environment and SaaS applications, including GenAI. Identifying unknown internet-exposed assets that provide a pathway to critical data is essential to managing risk.

Knowing what constitutes the environment that must be secured should be the foundation upon which the rest is built. Finding part of shadow IT helps with a portion of the problem but does not solve it. Alternatively, investigating assets that are falsely attributed to an organization wastes time. It is common for organizations to find 15%–30% more assets when they adopt security tooling for asset discovery.

Solutions need to bring together many sources of data — both first- and-third-party intern ..

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