Proactively Securing Cloud Workloads in the CI/CD Pipeline with Rapid7 and Azure DevOps

Proactively Securing Cloud Workloads in the CI/CD Pipeline with Rapid7 and Azure DevOps

As organizations continue to embrace cloud-native development practices, the need for integrated security solutions that seamlessly fit into existing DevOps environments has become more pressing than ever. We recognize this critical need and have added new integration for InsightCloudSec (ICS) and Exposure Command with Azure DevOps for Infrastructure as code (IaC) tooling, empowering organizations to quickly and effectively safeguard their attack surfaces.

But first, let's quickly refresh infrastructure as code functionality within ICS to remind us of how important it is and why this new integration will play a key role in your organization's security posture. Shifting left in code security is more important than ever before and IaC is the impetus for organizations to move cloud security and compliance from being reactive (at runtime) to being preventative (during development). The key is integrating the right controls with the proper guidance directly into the CI/CD pipeline. This integration facilitates delivering secure and compliant cloud infrastructure from the start. Rapid7’s innovative IaC tool allows you to identify key insights and risks during the development process which allow you to protect and secure your attack surface before it's visible. If you want to learn more about getting started with IaC you can check out this helpful guide.

Why DevSecOps is so important

In today's fast-paced development environments, security cannot be an afterthought. The ability to integrate security checks directly into DevOps — commonly referred to as DevSecOps —  workflows is crucial for minimizing vulnerabilities and reducing the risk of breaches.

Making security a shared responsibility between development, operations and security teams has a number of key benefits:

It enables developers to deliver better, more-secure code fa ..

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