Programming Ada: Designing a Lock-Free Ring Buffer

Programming Ada: Designing a Lock-Free Ring Buffer

Ring buffers are incredibly useful data structures that allow for data to be written and read continuously without having to worry about where the data is being written to or read from. Although they present a continuous (ring) buffer via their API, internally a definitely finite buffer is being maintained. This makes it crucial that at no point in time the reading and writing events can interfere with each other, something which can be guaranteed in a number of ways. Obviously the easiest solution here is to use a mutual exclusion mechanism like a mutex, but this comes with a severe performance penalty.

A lock-free ring buffer (LFRB) accomplishes the same result without something like a mutex (lock), instead using a hardware feature like atomics. In this article we will be looking at how to design an LFRB in Ada, while comparing and contrasting it with the C++-based LFRB that it was ported from. Although similar in some respects, the Ada version involves Ada-specific features such as access types and the rendezvous mechanism with task types (‘threads’).

Port Planning

The C++ code that the Ada LFRB is based on can be found as a creatively titled GitHub project, although it was originally developed for the NymphCast project. In that project’s usage scenario, it provides a memory buffer for network data as it’s being fetched from a client and made available to the local media player. Here the player requests additional data when it doesn’t have enough buffered data to decode the next frame, resulting in a read request to the LFRB. If its buffer doesn’t have sufficient d ..

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