Pure frustration: What happens when someone uses your email address to sign up for PayPal, car hire, doctors, security systems and more

Pure frustration: What happens when someone uses your email address to sign up for PayPal, car hire, doctors, security systems and more

Many companies have no mechanism to deal with a common problem: when users open accounts using someone else's email address, either by accident or design. "I have had a barrage of account creation requests that will fail ... also a large number of invoices, warranty emails and so on for purchases, from furniture to electronics," a reader informed us.

Email is perhaps the nearest thing to a universal identity system for the internet, but if it is such a thing, it is much flawed. The problem is not only that email addresses are easily spoofed - mitigated by mechanisms like SPF (Sender Policy Framework) and DKIM (DomainKeys Identified Mail) – but that they also lack any robust process by which organisations collect email details.

Best practice is to treat any claim to an email address as suspect until the user has verified their ownership via a key se ..

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