QR Code Vulnerabilities: Dissecting New Techniques Seen in the Wild

QR Code Vulnerabilities: Dissecting New Techniques Seen in the Wild

SecurityHQ analysts have recently observed a significant increase in Business Email Compromise (BEC), regarding phishing attacks containing QR code (Quishing) and captchas for credentials harvesting.

This article aims to highlight the sophisticated nature of this attack, to understand the technical aspects of session abuse, and its prevention.

What is Quishing?

In the ever-evolving landscape of cybercrime, threat actors are constantly discovering new methods and using them to target organizations. One such emerging threat is known as ’quishing’ or QR code phishing. Quishing attacks usually occur via the scanning of a QR code. This technique involves tricking organizations users into scanning a QR code using a mobile phone. The QR code then redirects the user to a phishing or fake website that aims to steal their credentials.

Why Are QR Codes Being Used?

In the past, attackers used various types of URLs and attachments to deliver phishing emails. But, due to advanced email gateway security controls, bypassing the email gateway is not an easy task.

One of the main reasons why threat actors choose the QR Code is because it’s the simplest way to force a user to move from a desktop or laptop to a mobile device, which usually don’t have any anti-phishing protections. Additionally, they have multiple advantages over a phishing link embedded directly in an email.

Another reason is these phishing emails are easily getting through the email security gateways because currently email gateway sandbox is not capable to scan QR code and provide the verdict on whether it is phishing or not. Due to a lack of inspection from email security gateways, attackers are taking advantage and more commonly targeting users with QR code phishing technique.

How Quishing Attacks ..

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