Rapid7 Fills Gaps in the CVE Assessment Process with AI-Generated Vulnerability Scoring in Exposure Command

Rapid7 Fills Gaps in the CVE Assessment Process with AI-Generated Vulnerability Scoring in Exposure Command

The National Vulnerability Database (NVD) announced in February 2024 that it would no longer provide common vulnerability scoring system (CVSS) scores for all CVEs. Due to resource constraints and an inability to keep up with the volume of newly-disclosed vulnerabilities, NVD shifted its focus to processing vulnerabilities more efficiently by relying on vendor-provided and third-party scores rather than scoring each CVE independently.

Many organizations rely on NVD’s CVSS scores as a consistent, centralized guide to measuring the potential risk of vulnerabilities. This is especially useful for teams that don’t have the resources to conduct their own in-depth vulnerability analysis given the pace at which new CVEs are cropping up.

To address this widening gap in vulnerability scoring and ensure our customers are making informed decisions with the most accurate understanding of their current risk posture we’re excited to announce the release of AI-Generated Risk Scoring in Exposure Command. By integrating an advanced machine learning model, Exposure Command supplements existing CVSS scores by providing AI-Generated Risk Scores for CVEs where NVD does not provide them, ensuring all vulnerabilities are provided an accurate score.

The need to evolve from traditional vulnerability management practices to continuous threat and Exposure Management

Moving beyond simple risk scoring methodologies is critical for modern vulnerability management teams to stay ahead of advanced threats. For many organizations, this means adopting a Risk-Based Vulnerability Management (RBVM) approach.

Put simply, this means incorporating not just a deep and accurate understanding of how risky a given CVE is in a vacuum, but also layering on additional context related to rea ..

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