Rapid7 Introduces Vector Command, a New Managed Service for Continuous Red Teaming

Rapid7 Introduces Vector Command, a New Managed Service for Continuous Red Teaming

Rapid7 is delighted to announce the launch of Vector Command, a continuous red teaming managed service designed to assess your external attack surface and identify gaps in the security defenses on an ongoing basis. Following the launch of Surface Command and Exposure Command in August, Vector Command will continue our expansion of Exposure Management protection for our customers.

In today’s digital landscape, organizations are more exposed to cyber threats than ever before. Cloud resources, SaaS solutions, and ever-growing shadow IT create vast external attack surfaces, making businesses increasingly vulnerable. Meanwhile attackers are constantly on the prowl, conducting reconnaissance to exploit weaknesses. Security teams lack visibility into their internet-facing exposures, leaving them vulnerable to potential breaches.

While external attack surface management (EASM) tools offer visibility, they often fall short in validation, resulting in lengthy lists of potential exposures for security teams to sift through. Traditional penetration testing can help validate vulnerabilities, but its point-in-time nature risks leaving critical exposures undetected for extended periods.

Introducing Vector Command

Vector Command is designed to address these challenges head-on, providing a continuous, proactive approach to securing your external attack surface by combining Rapid7’s trusted technology for external attack surface assessments with our world-class red team expertise. By providing an attacker’s perspective, Vector Command empowers security teams to visualize internet-facing assets, validate critical exposures, and take decisive action to mitigate risks.

Vector Command benefits include:

Increased visibility of the external attack surface with persistent, proactive reconnaissance of both known and unknown internet-facing assetsImproved prioritization with ongoing, expert-led red team operations to continuously valida ..

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