reCAPTCHA v2 vs v3: Which is Better for Bot Protection

reCAPTCHA v2 vs v3: Which is Better for Bot Protection

Malicious bots result in the theft of billions of dollars every year. As attacks—and the fraudsters making them—become more sophisticated, it’s critical that companies act to protect their security, and their bottom line, by putting defenses in place.  

Businesses today must fight bots in real-time, and a common way to do this is by relying on in-session user challenges, like CAPTCHAs, to distinguish between basic bots and good users. 

CAPTCHA stands for Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, and it is designed to prevent bots from disseminating spam, registering fake new accounts and hacking into genuine user accounts.

Chances are good that you’ve already come across reCAPTCHA, but what is the difference between the different versions? Is reCAPTCHA v2 or v3 better at defending against malicious bots? Read on to learn more about the difference between reCAPTCHA v2 vs v3, and the limitations of each.


eBook: Beat Advanced Bots with Intelligent Challenge-Response

What is reCAPTCHA?

Like other CAPTCHA services, Google’s reCAPTCHA is designed to prevent fraud attacks on websites, while allowing genuine users to use the digital platform without issue. According to Google, reCAPTCHA actively protects data for a network of five million sites. 

Is reCAPTCHA free?

reCAPTCHA is free, which makes it a popular pick for website owners who know they should do something to help keep fraudsters out, but who are not ready to start spending money on a solution just yet.  

But there are some limits to how—and how much—a business can use reCAPTCHA without any charges. Google’s comparison of features between reCAPTCHA versions indicates that reCAPTCHA offers one million assessments per month for free.

What is reCAPTC ..

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