Remove Rdp Virus

Remove Rdp Virus

Rdp Virus

Rdp virus is a malicious software identified as a strain of the CrySis/Dharma ransomware. The program is developed to encrypt valuable files by using a complex encoding cipher. The appended .rdp file suffix to files’ names is a sure sign that they are corrupted by the threat. Since .rpd files cannot be opened or used in any way, hackers try to blackmail victims into paying a ransom fee in BitCoin or other cryptocurrencies. Their decryption tool, however, is not proved to be capable of decoding .rdp files.

If you are one of the Rdp’s victims and your computer is infected with this variant of Dharma ransomware, we suggest that you read this article as it will help you to understand more about the virus’s activity and show you how to remove it fully from the infected PC.

Rdp Virus Summary

Rdp also known as Win.Trojan.Dharma-6668198-0, Trojan.Ransom.Crysis.E (B), Ransom.Win32.CRYSIS.SM, Ransom/W32.crysis.94720
Ransomware, Cryptovirus
Maliciou Extensions
.id-(…).[[email protected]].rdp
Ransom Notes
FILES ENCRYPTED.txt and a pop-up window
Short Description
Aims to encrypt the files on the computers that have been infected by it and then add a few file extensions to the encoded files. Then the ransomware blackmails victims to pay a ransom to get files back.
Files cannot be opened and have the .id-K279Y369.[[email protected]].rdp extensions added to them. The virus drops two ransom notes that contain extortionist messages and the e-mail rdphack@onionmai ..

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