Researchers call for a determined path to cybersecurity

Researchers call for a determined path to cybersecurity

Despite our continuous research efforts to detect cyberattacks and enable defense, we often feel that we, as members of a global community, are failing to achieve an adequate level of cybersecurity.

This is threatening the proper development and use of information technologies and digital assets, and as a consequence, most of society’s current and future activities, from entertainment to democratic processes, including business, healthcare and industrial production.

We believe that such a failure can be explained by a lack of global willpower, double-dealing activities, and the lack of global regulations. Here, we develop these hypotheses and outline ideas to advance cybersecurity.

What we do, and how it is failing

Kaspersky’s Global Research and Analysis Team (GReAT) is made up of cybersecurity researchers. Our shared capabilities and expertise stem from multifaceted individual experiences and perspectives that can always be traced back to strong technical backgrounds. Each and every day, our skills are focused on clear goals: to anticipate, discover, detect, track and report cyberattacks. But our activities and findings are, first and foremost, a contribution to a broader mission: to build a safer world. Since our inception more than a decade ago, we have worked very hard – from awareness raising and media interviews to embedded firmware reverse engineering, as well as incident-response support, vulnerabilities research, malicious infrastructure hunting, code similarity heuristics development, discovery of maj ..

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