Retro Calculator Panders to Trekkies… or Trekkers

Retro Calculator Panders to Trekkies… or Trekkers

Back in 1976, when calculators were not common or cheap, a company named MEGO made the Star Trekulator: a calculator sporting a Star Trek theme. However, it was a bit odd since the calculator didn’t correspond to anything you ever saw on the TV show. It was essentially a very simple calculator with a Star Trek picture and some blinking LEDs. [Computer History Archives Project] has two examples of the rare calculator and shows them off, including the insides, in the video below. We’ve also included a vintage commercial for the device a little farther down.

Inside the 5-inch by 9.5-inch cabinet was an unremarkable printed circuit board. The main component was a TI calculator chip, but there were a surprising amount of other components, including three that [Computer History Archives Project] could not identify.

MEGO was known for making Star Trek toys, including a cassette player that (sorta) looked like a tricorder and communicator walkie-talkies. We wish they’d made the calculator look like some sort of prop from the show, although the beeping noises, we suppose, were supposed to sound like the Star Trek computers.

Honestly, we want to 3D print a case to replicate this with modern insides that can drive a display to put different Trek clips and sound effects out. Now, that would be something. Maybe [Michael Gardi] can take a look at it when he’s got a spare minute. If anything, the calculator looks too advanced to be on the original series. They should have gone VFD. Although Mr. Spock has been seen with a flight s ..

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