Risk, reward and reality: Has enterprise perception of the public cloud changed?

Public clouds now form the bulk of enterprise IT environments. According to 2024 Statista data, 73% of enterprises use a hybrid cloud model, 14% use multiple public clouds and 10% use a single public cloud solution. Multiple and single private clouds make up the remaining 3%.

With enterprises historically reticent to adopt public clouds, adoption data seems to indicate a shift in perception. Perhaps enterprise efforts have finally moved away from reducing risk to prioritizing the potential rewards of public cloud resources.

Reality, however, isn’t so cut-and-dry. Here’s a look at the current state of public perception, where enterprises still encounter cloud issues and how familiar concerns have a new focus: AI.

Public perception on cloud computing

Cloud computing has always had a perception problem. From the perspective of enterprise C-suites and IT teams, public clouds meant bigger attack surfaces combined with lower visibility, giving attackers the upper hand.

Meanwhile, from the perspective of consumers — which all C-suite and IT team members become on their days off — the cloud came with massive potential. From file and photo storage to streaming video services and worldwide e-commerce, the public cloud quickly became commonplace in public life.

So why the disconnect? In large part, enterprises were concerned about the man behind the curtain. While many providers were long on promises, they were short on details. The result was a “shared responsibility” model that saw both customer and provider playing a role in data defense, but neither one was entirely clear on what that ro ..

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