SANS Institute: Top 5 dangerous cyberattack techniques in 2024

The SANS Institute — a leading authority in cybersecurity research, education and certification — released its annual Top Attacks and Threats Report. This report provides insights into the evolving threat landscape, identifying the most prevalent and dangerous cyberattack techniques that organizations need to prepare for.

This year’s report also highlighted the main takeaways from the SANS keynote hosted at the annual conference. During the keynote presentation, five new cybersecurity attacks were identified and discussed by key SANS members along with suggested actions to address them.

The 5 most dangerous new attack techniques identified

The SANS Institute’s yearly RSA Conference presentation provides an in-depth analysis of the evolving cyber threat landscape. The goal is to help organizations understand the current tactics, anticipate future trends and proactively strengthen their defenses against these ever-evolving threats.

Below is a list of the five new attack techniques that were discussed at the conference, along with the necessary steps that should be taken:

1. AI-powered child sextortion

Heather Mahalik Barnhart, a SANS DFIR Curriculum Lead and Senior Director of Community Engagement at Cellebrite, led the discussion on the sensitive topic of AI-powered child sextortion. Barnhart explained how AI deepfakes have allowed malicious parties to create convincing images or videos of their ..

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