Say GDP-aaaR: UK's Information Commissioner pours £275k fine into London pharmacy's teaspoon

Say GDP-aaaR: UK's Information Commissioner pours £275k fine into London pharmacy's teaspoon

Half a million docs, including patient names and medical records left at back of premises

A pharmacy that left around half a million documents, including customers' personal information and medical data, in unlocked storage at the back of its premises, has been fined £275,000 - a financial penalty the ICO has issued under the General Data Protection Regulation.

UK data watchdog, the Information Commissioner’s Office, said London-based Doorstep Dispensaree Ltd, which supplies medicines to both individual customers and care homes, failed to secure the records. The data also contained addresses, dates of birth, NHS numbers and prescriptions pertaining to an unknown number of people.

Some of the documents – dated between June 2016 to June 2018 – were exposed to the elements and as a result were damaged by rain water, the ICO claimed.

Failing to process the data in a secure state to prevent unautho ..

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