Schools under cyberattack as they try to provide distance learning. OceanLotus tracked. FCC takes action against Chinese companies. - The CyberWire

Schools under cyberattack as they try to provide distance learning. OceanLotus tracked. FCC takes action against Chinese companies. - The CyberWire

Notes on the pandemic's opportunities for bad actors, common sense about shopping securely during the holidays, and some CISA internship opportunities. (And to summarize what the social engineers are going to do, it's like this: they'll take you to a high place, show you all the kingdoms of earth, and so on. That kind of FOMO's been tried before.)

Expect more COVID-19 vaccine scams, and more criminal collaboration.

Check Point finds that malign activity keyed to the pandemic is assuming three general forms: cyberespionage directed at researchers and pharmaceutical companies engaged in vaccine development, phishing and waterholing domains with a COVID-19 theme, and, finally, barefaced scams hawking bogus treatments.

Proofpoint, for its part, foresees more ransomware hitting cloud repositories, the continuing threat of social engineering, a relative abatement (but not disappearance) of business email compromise, and growing collaboration among criminal groups.

Common-sense security for holiday shopping.

The winter holidays are upon us. Hanukkah began yesterday evening and will end next Friday evening; Christmas is just two weeks away. Thus last-minute shoppers are finding time closing in on them, and Unisys has some common-sense advice that's nonetheless worth reviewing. Mathew Newfield, CISO at Unisys, summarized that advice in an email:

  • "Patch your home IoT devices. Be sure to protect your Wi-Fi network and any device around the house connected to it by patching and updating to the latest firmware and checking the brand and model for security risks. It is also important to change default passwords and use passwords of significant ..

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