SEC Crypto Task Force Meets with Crypto Industry Leaders: Michael Saylor, Robinhood, CCI, and MITRE

Key Takeaways:

  • The SEC’s Crypto Task Force is actively meeting with key players in the crypto space.

  • The dialogue revolves around revisiting previous regulations for crypto and establishing clear parameters.

  • The SEC is likely to introduce a regulatory sandbox for crypto projects.

  • The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been seen by many in the crypto space as an obstacle to innovation for years, but it seems to have a new attitude toward cryptocurrency regulation. The establishment of the Crypto Task Force — and the agency’s meetings with industry stakeholders and experts — has resulted in guarded optimism that the federal arm may be more willing to take a more nuanced, crypto-friendly approach than it did when issuing the ICO guidelines in 2017. Yet doubts remain, with many wondering to what extent these actions signify a true shift in ..

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