Securely Disposing Mobile Devices


Mobile devices, such as smartphones, smart watches, and tablets, continue to advance and innovate at an astonishing rate. As a result, some people replace their mobile devices as frequently as every year. Unfortunately, people often do not realize how much personal data is on these devices. Below we cover what may be on your mobile device and how you should securely wipe it before disposing of it. If your mobile device was issued to you by your employer, or has any work data stored on it, be sure to check with your supervisor about proper backup and disposal procedures first.

Your Information

Mobile devices store more sensitive data than many people realize, often far more than your computer, including:

Where you live, work, and places you visit

The contact details for everyone in your address book, including family, friends, and co-workers

Phone call history, including inbound, outbound, voicemail, and missed calls

Texting or chat sessions within applications like secure chat, games, and social media

Web browsing history, search history, cookies, and cached pages

Personal photos, videos, and audio recordings

Stored passwords and access to your accounts, such as your bank, social media, or email

Health related information, including your age, heart rate, exercise history, or blood pressure

Wiping Your Device

Regardless of how you dispose of your mobile device, such as donating it, exchanging it for a new one, giving it to another family member, reselling it, or even throwing it out, you need to be sure you first erase all that sensitive information. Simply deleting ..

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