Securing Cloud Technology in a Growing Threat Landscape

Cloud technologies are becoming more and more popular. Many companies shifted their workloads and their IT infrastructures into the cloud. The advantages are clear: more flexibility and scalability, less admin overhead and often cost savings. But with those advantages also come many risks.

Recent studies have shown several threats cloud technologies face. As data transfers to the cloud, the risk of unwanted access to that data increases. Cloud service providers guarantee their clients that they protect the cloud infrastructure, while the client has to take care of the data and applications in the cloud. But many clients do not configure their environments properly, which makes their environments open to risks they didn’t face within their on-premises environments. 

Top Threats to Cloud Computing

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) recently published a white paper on the current top threats to cloud computing. The list shows that, in general, misconfigurations and a lack of proper identity and access management (IAM) are leading threats to cloud security. A lack of expertise and the rapid expansion of technology makes it difficult to keep security in mind while moving to the cloud.

The complete list is: 

Poor identity, credential, access and key management and privileged account management
Insecure interfaces and application programming interfaces (APIs)
Misconfiguration and inadequate change control
Lack of cloud security architecture and strategy
Insecure software development
Insecure third-party resources
System vulnerabilities
Accidental cloud data disclosure
Misconfiguration and exploitation of serverless and container workloads
Organized crime, threat actors and advanced persistent threats (APT)
Cloud storage data exfiltration.

Tips From the List

CSA points out that, even if the cloud envi ..

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