September is Preparedness Month

For Preparedness Month in September, Keeper Security, a provider of zero-trust and zero-knowledge cybersecurity software, has urged businesses to prepare for the rising tide of cyber threats by prioritising fundamental cybersecurity practices. With more sensitive data being stored online, the risk of breaches and exploitation is at an all-time high.  To defend against the most common cyber threats, as well as emerging ones, the company says that fundamental, yet often neglected, cybersecurity best practices must be prioritised. 


Strengthening data security processes is a crucial step to mitigate organisational risk in today’s evolving threat landscape. Key practices such as implementing robust data encryption, regularly updating and patching systems, and implementing strong access controls can help protect sensitive information from unauthorised access. 


Keeper advises organisations of all sizes to implement the following fundamental protections:


Establish regular employee training on cybersecurity best practices and phishing awareness.
Implement strong access controls and conduct regular security audits to mitigate the risk of insider threats.
Strengthen account protection by adopting a password management solution and enforcing the use of MFA.


Conduct Regular Cybersecurity Training for Employees

Just as preparedness is key to mitigating the risk and potential damage associated with natural disasters, it’s also essential in cybersecurity. Regular employee training and education on cybersecurity best practices are crucial for protecting an organisation from evolving cyber threats. Verizon’s 2024 Data Breach Investigations Report reveals 68% of breaches involved a non-malicious human element, such as a person falling victim to a social engineering attack or making an error. This can lead ..

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