SmartMetric develops thin electronics for biometric fingerprint activated credit and debit cards - Help Net Security

SmartMetric in creating arguably the world’s most advanced biometric fingerprint validated and activated credit/debit cards, has developed super thin electronic components along with extremely thin circuit board technology, in order to turn the credit/debit card into an advanced powerful electronic device with built-in biometrics, powerful processing and gigabytes of memory.

In order to build a fully functional fingerprint reader that fits inside a standard thickness credit/debit card, SmartMetric has had to design and develop extremely thin electronics mounted on cutting edge super thin multi-layer circuit board not much thicker than a sheet of paper.

“Both the extreme thinness of our components along with the extreme thinness of our circuit board has led SmartMetric to become a leader in cutting edge super thin electronics design and manufacture,” said today SmartMetric’s President and CEO, Cha ..

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