Solving the Access Goldilocks Problem: RBAC for InsightAppSec Is Here

Solving the Access Goldilocks Problem: RBAC for InsightAppSec Is Here

We're all familiar with the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. Goldilocks starts a new job as a security specialist on the security team at Three Bears' Porridge, Inc. and is given access to their application security platform.

At first, the access she's given is far too broad. It causes problems, and she has access to more data than she needs to do her job. By the end of the day, it's impacted the entire system. The next day, she's given too little access, preventing her from fully completing her tasks and creating more work for Hansel, Gretel, and the rest of the security team. Finally, after several rounds of granting and restricting permissions, they eventually land on an access level that's just right.

Does this famous yarn hit a little too close to home?

Getting access control just right

Providing the right access levels to different teams and individual team members is a critical component of managing any security program, but it can be time-consuming, cumbersome, and rife with constant back-and-forth.

That's why we're excited to announce a new feature standard for InsightAppSec called Role-Based Access Control (RBAC). Our RBAC system gives you the flexibility to provide the right levels of access to the InsightAppSec platform needed for each role on your security team. By identifying users through groups, you can grant access and permissions quickly and easily, reducing back-and-forth setting up access that may have caused your team more than one porridge hangover.

The InsightAppSec RBAC feature works under a simple premise: scalability. RBAC allows you to create groups with bespoke levels of access based on ..

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